Is Sex the Most Important Thing in Life?
gospel, integrity, single, marriage Bonnie Pue gospel, integrity, single, marriage Bonnie Pue

Is Sex the Most Important Thing in Life?

The lie of this modern culture, which is the same lie that God’s people have always faced is, “This life is all there is. Eat, drink, be merry, for tomorrow we die.” The lie is, “Seek pleasure, because that will satisfy you.” And the lie morphs further, “If you can get enough sex, you will be satisfied.” But if sex were the end goal, the epitome of human living, then wouldn’t the prostitute be among the happiest individuals on earth?

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Is God Anti-Sex?
restoration, marriage, gospel, sexuality Bonnie Pue restoration, marriage, gospel, sexuality Bonnie Pue

Is God Anti-Sex?

Within the church at large, the messages about sex are often reduced to a prohibition, “Sex outside of marriage is bad.” But said often enough or carelessly enough, and that message starts to sound like, “Sex is bad.” Add to that the negative personal experiences that people are having, and it is no wonder that the lie “God is anti-sex” gets propagated.

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Can I be happy without sex?
single, marriage, sexuality Bonnie Pue single, marriage, sexuality Bonnie Pue

Can I be happy without sex?

In a world that is becoming increasingly sexualized, with perverted images flooding our feeds, the music industry, and countless streaming services, studies show that people are backing away from one another and from IRL (in real life) relationships. Rates of premarital sex and the number of people choosing marriage are dropping.

Single people both inside and outside of the church are asking the question, “How can I be happy without sex?”

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Surviving an Affair: Staying Whole When You are Broken
marriage, restoration, gender, gospel, integrity Ruth Erickson marriage, restoration, gender, gospel, integrity Ruth Erickson

Surviving an Affair: Staying Whole When You are Broken

As I’ve walked with other women through healing from affairs, I’ve been able to identify several lies that the enemy uses to try to take us down. These are common to anyone who has been sexually violated, but they cannot compete with God’s truth. If you have been wounded by someone else’s sexual sin, let me encourage you that you can trust God’s word over your feelings, fears, or what anyone else has told you. If you recognize any of these lies, know that you are not alone!

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Someone's Daughter - why it matters who she is related to a world of sexual objectification and rape culture
marriage, gend, freedom, integrity Bonnie Pue marriage, gend, freedom, integrity Bonnie Pue

Someone's Daughter - why it matters who she is related to a world of sexual objectification and rape culture

In articles, blogs, and social media posts, sexual-assaulting behaviour is exposed and condemned with real life examples. More likely than not someone will comment something along the lines of, “I can’t believe someone who do that to her! Don’t they realize that she is someone’s daughter?! That she is someone’s sister!” But, there is often opposition to that comment.

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What God Has Joined Together
relationships, marriage, restoration, gender Bonnie Pue relationships, marriage, restoration, gender Bonnie Pue

What God Has Joined Together

As married couples, we live so close that every rough edge we still have will touch the other person. Those splinters can get caught under the skin. The temptation is for us to become calloused. To stop hoping. To stop letting your spouse near. To stop caring so that you won’t face disappointments. To let your smile fade and your eyes grow cold. It is the thought, “You can’t hurt me if I don’t let you close.”

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What Happened To My Wife?

What Happened To My Wife?

Men, I've seen it in your faces. An element of confusion mixed with moments of suffocating helplessness. You don't want to expose your girl, but you also aren't sure how to ask if this is just what her new normal is. I know it could be awkward for me to open up this conversation with you in person, but I hope my perspective can be of some assistance to you here in the safety of the web press.

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Be loved
relationships, marriage, gender The Union Team relationships, marriage, gender The Union Team

Be loved

Your value extends beyond your physical appearance. It goes beyond your ability to turn someone’s head or keep the crowd’s attention with your beauty. You are allowed to desire to be known at a deeper level than just skin on skin. You are allowed to want to be feel safe in friendships and in a relationship.

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relationships, marriage, gender The Union Team relationships, marriage, gender The Union Team


What does it mean to be a real man?

Is it about your physical abilities? Is it about sexual conquests or being desired by a woman? About status, money, and power? Those things may gain you some attention, but they won’t get you self-respect.

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Being a Mother. Being A Lover.
marriage, gender, integrity Bonnie Pue marriage, gender, integrity Bonnie Pue

Being a Mother. Being A Lover.

The question is, how can a woman navigate the significantly different roles of mother and lover?

How can she recognize BOTH as good and healthy, but not let those roles interchange? Because our husbands certainly do not need us to mother them, and our children desperately need to grow up seeing the personhood of woman, distinct from her sexuality.

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