Union video resources

How you think about sexuality affects your entire life.

Ready to start learning about sex in a gospel-centred way?

If you are looking for a resource that you can go through at your own pace, on your own or with a church small group or some friends, we have free video series for you.

In this space you will have access to a growing video course library. Sign up today with your email address and you’ll have free access to all of our latest content. Anywhere. Anytime.

Start the journey here.


The Youth Leader Course - Empowering Next Generation Leaders with Confidence in Biblical Sexuality and Identity

Today’s youth ministers are facing unprecedented challenges in our hyper-sexualized world. As our world shifts, pushing against Biblical truth, the need for clear, compassionate, and Gospel-centered guidance has never been greater.

You have the incredible opportunity to address issues of sexuality and identity with truth and grace, shaping the next generation to be faithful followers of Jesus.

This course will empower you with the clarity and confidence needed for these complex conversations. You will help young people understand the beauty of God’s design and their identity through Scripture. 

Together, we will boldly explore these topics, equipping you to lead the next generation to stand firm in their faith.

This five-session course will help anyone leading the next generation to be better equipped with Biblical confidence and clarity. It is designed to be approached in a group setting and will be a great resource to take a team through.

Awkward: Bringing Confidence to Parents for Conversations about Sex

We have developed this 6 part video series to bring parents confidence to have those conversations about sex. These sessions will bring you biblical and historical insights that are key to understanding God’s kind intention for humanity and our sexual expression.

It’s time to get ready for some of the most awkward, but most worthwhile conversations you’ll ever have.

In God's Image Series for Young Adults

Who am I? What am I made for? How can I find real love?

Everyone asks these questions at one time or another. Unfortunately in the search for love, many people feel like they have lost themselves.

This 6-part video series for young adults dives into the topics of gender, relationships, sexuality, and finding wholeness in the love of God.

In November 2023, we hosted our first Union Conference. You can view all three main sessions here featuring the speakers Bryan Pue, Jim Anderson, and Bonnie Pue.

Young people are facing high levels of confusion and brokenness in the areas of sexuality and identity. And church youth workers are right there on the frontlines, trying to give answers and support.

These 4 video webinar sessions will equip youth workers with essential theological and practical insights.

The Union Conference Returns!

This year’s event, "A Way In The Wilderness," explored God’s call for His people to stand as a voice of truth in our time while believing for His streams of spiritual renewal to flow through the wilderness of our generation.

Take in the main Sessions featuring Union Founders Bryan and Bonnie Pue, Pastor Trebor Angerman (King’s Church, South Carolina), and an engaging Q&A from The Indoubt Show.

(Please note: Due to unforeseen technical issues, only audio is available for Sessions 2 & 3.)

Additionally, dive into the Breakout Sessions with Bryan Pue, Bonnie Pue, Trebor Angerman, Kyla Gillespie, and Ruth Errickson.

Click below to access the sessions!

Union Video Resources

Get anytime access to our growing video library. These are gospel-centred messages about sexuality, designed to help people find wholeness.

✓ Unlimited lifetime access

*The Union Movement is able to provide free video resources for individuals and churches because of the financial support of generous partners.

If you would like to help us continue providing quality resources, please visit our Partner page to learn more.