You're Not Alone
relationships, family, church, single Bonnie Pue relationships, family, church, single Bonnie Pue

You're Not Alone

In generations past, humanity lived in community and had to work hard to find moments of seclusion. In our day and age, most live in seclusion and are straining to find moments of genuine community. We have to rewrite "normal" if we are going to pull culture up out of this relational nose-dive that we're in.

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Organic Dating Relationships
relationships, marriage Bryan Pue relationships, marriage Bryan Pue

Organic Dating Relationships

I’ve heard people say that they want their relationships to be organic. They are usually referring to a sense of the connection not feeling forced, but it got me thinking—what are the practical lessons we can apply to relationships to help them grow more organically?

First of all, we need to acknowledge that “organic” does not mean “easy”.

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Dis-Integrated Discipleship: finding the answer for modern gender ideology
church, gospel, lgbtq Bryan Pue church, gospel, lgbtq Bryan Pue

Dis-Integrated Discipleship: finding the answer for modern gender ideology

If you’re called to youth ministry, you’re stepping into the front lines of a rapidly shifting culture. To navigate this, one quality is non-negotiable: a passion for discipleship. Discipleship—a term frequently mentioned in church culture—is often misunderstood or reduced to attending services, serving on a team or simply knowing about Jesus. However, the Biblical model is far more demanding. And transformative.

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The Looking Glass: seeing clearly in a confusing cultural moment
gospel, church, gender Bryan Pue gospel, church, gender Bryan Pue

The Looking Glass: seeing clearly in a confusing cultural moment

Have you ever wondered how you see the world—and why? It’s because of your worldview, a set of beliefs and assumptions that shape how you interpret life, make decisions, and find purpose. Everyone has one, whether they realize it or not. More than just culture or religion, a worldview underpins how we answer profound questions like, What does it mean to be human? and What is the definition of a man or a woman?

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Pastor or Party Planner? How to reach the Next Generation in a Hyper-Sexualized Culture
church Bryan Pue church Bryan Pue

Pastor or Party Planner? How to reach the Next Generation in a Hyper-Sexualized Culture

Whether you are a full-time youth pastor in a paid position or a volunteer bi-vocational youth leader, the call you have from God to mentor and develop young people to be passionate disciples of the Lord is a high calling. You may feel overwhelmed and under-equipped, but what you do matters. Maybe you've experienced being the brunt of jokes suggesting that you just babysit kids who need to put on more deodorant, but the truth is you have an incredible opportunity to be a vessel which God uses to lead others to Himself. That being said, you also have your work cut out for you. The pressure young people are facing in this hyper-sexualized culture is no joke. It’s potent and persistent.

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Is Sex Just a Physical Thing?
sexuality, restoration, integrity Bonnie Pue sexuality, restoration, integrity Bonnie Pue

Is Sex Just a Physical Thing?

Sex is as much spiritual mystery as physical fact. Ever since the beginning of humanity, God designed sex to be an experience where the two would become one. He wisely prescribed sex as the binding experience between one man and one woman in the lifelong commitment of covenantal marriage. Scripture was announcing it to the world long before brain science could confirm it.

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Is Sex the Most Important Thing in Life?
gospel, integrity, single, marriage Bonnie Pue gospel, integrity, single, marriage Bonnie Pue

Is Sex the Most Important Thing in Life?

The lie of this modern culture, which is the same lie that God’s people have always faced is, “This life is all there is. Eat, drink, be merry, for tomorrow we die.” The lie is, “Seek pleasure, because that will satisfy you.” And the lie morphs further, “If you can get enough sex, you will be satisfied.” But if sex were the end goal, the epitome of human living, then wouldn’t the prostitute be among the happiest individuals on earth?

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Is God Anti-Sex?
restoration, marriage, gospel, sexuality Bonnie Pue restoration, marriage, gospel, sexuality Bonnie Pue

Is God Anti-Sex?

Within the church at large, the messages about sex are often reduced to a prohibition, “Sex outside of marriage is bad.” But said often enough or carelessly enough, and that message starts to sound like, “Sex is bad.” Add to that the negative personal experiences that people are having, and it is no wonder that the lie “God is anti-sex” gets propagated.

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The Irreplaceable Parent
family Bonnie Pue family Bonnie Pue

The Irreplaceable Parent

One of the chief schemes of our spiritual enemy is to separate and isolate the generations. In our modern society, we are often led to believe that we belong primarily with people who are the same age as us. What we see in Scripture is that God established hierarchal structures called families. The purpose of family is multi-faceted, but one essential element was to allow for the transference of values to be passed from one generation to another.

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Deciphering Desire- clarity on sinful desire, action and human identity
lgbtq, integrity The Union Team lgbtq, integrity The Union Team

Deciphering Desire- clarity on sinful desire, action and human identity

There is much discussion within church culture about whether it is acceptable, in God’s sight, for a person to have sexual desires but not act upon them. This conversation often arises in the context of individuals dealing with same-sex attraction (SSA) ,while also believing in Jesus, but this can and should be considered with any other possible sexual desire. Some view internal desires as harmless because they do not lead to actions. It's important to have this conversation. This is why we are taking time to explore the scriptures and understand how to interpret desire from a Biblical perspective.

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