You're Not Alone
relationships, family, church, single Bonnie Pue relationships, family, church, single Bonnie Pue

You're Not Alone

In generations past, humanity lived in community and had to work hard to find moments of seclusion. In our day and age, most live in seclusion and are straining to find moments of genuine community. We have to rewrite "normal" if we are going to pull culture up out of this relational nose-dive that we're in.

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Organic Dating Relationships
relationships, marriage Bryan Pue relationships, marriage Bryan Pue

Organic Dating Relationships

I’ve heard people say that they want their relationships to be organic. They are usually referring to a sense of the connection not feeling forced, but it got me thinking—what are the practical lessons we can apply to relationships to help them grow more organically?

First of all, we need to acknowledge that “organic” does not mean “easy”.

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Marriage Material
relationships, single Bonnie Pue relationships, single Bonnie Pue

Marriage Material

If you are single, wanting to get married, and trying to hold out for someone who shares your faith and values, you get an honourable mention in my mind. I know you’re facing pressure and potentially fear. My hope is that I can encourage you in the waiting, in holding to your convictions, and in trusting God with your desires for the future.

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If Good Men Do Nothing
relationships, church, gender Bonnie Pue relationships, church, gender Bonnie Pue

If Good Men Do Nothing

You won’t make a difference because you think you have arrived at some level of perfection or because you think you know all the answers, but simply because you care and because you are willing to offer your strength for the good of those around you. That’s something, isn’t it?

And something is certainly better than nothing.

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Is Isolation Your "New Normal"?
single, relationships, church Bonnie Pue single, relationships, church Bonnie Pue

Is Isolation Your "New Normal"?

We’ve recently passed the one year anniversary of the death of our social lives. If you are like me, that was quite the shock to the system. But slowly over time, I think we began to adapt to the distance. Where once there was a painful awareness of the loneliness, many have grown used to the social distancing and adopted new ways of coping. Are you wondering if you even want to return back to the hustle-bustle-exhaustion-from-social-expectations? Have you stopped seeking out connection? You may not feel lonely anymore (and may even be feeling guilty about that), but are you really better off alone?

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Like. Follow. Friend.
single, relationships Bonnie Pue single, relationships Bonnie Pue

Like. Follow. Friend.

We are one of the loneliest generations of all time. How can we develop friendships that will endure?

Whereas most generations before us lived in community and had to purpose to find moments of seclusion, we live in seclusion and have to purpose to find moments of community.

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What God Has Joined Together
relationships, marriage, restoration, gender Bonnie Pue relationships, marriage, restoration, gender Bonnie Pue

What God Has Joined Together

As married couples, we live so close that every rough edge we still have will touch the other person. Those splinters can get caught under the skin. The temptation is for us to become calloused. To stop hoping. To stop letting your spouse near. To stop caring so that you won’t face disappointments. To let your smile fade and your eyes grow cold. It is the thought, “You can’t hurt me if I don’t let you close.”

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