Upcoming events

Western Youth Summit @ Trinity Western University
Apologetics Canada is partnering with Trinity Western University for the first ever Western Youth Summit for high school students in grades 9-12. The Union Movement has been invited to join in for the day!
Bryan and Bonnie will be presenting together on The Rizz Bizz: Healthy Relationships & Dating.

Apologetics Canada Leadership Summit
Bryan and Bonnie will be joining the Apologetics Canada team again this year for their Leadership Summit, hosted in Hemlock Valley, BC.
To learn more, you can visit their website: https://apologeticscanada.com/

Restore Church in Airdrie, AB
Bryan and Bonnie will be speaking in Airdrie, Alberta with Restore Church. Details to follow!

Apologetics Conference
We are thrilled to be back with Apologetics Canada for their Western Conference, held at Northview Community Church in Abbotsford, BC.
This year’s theme is Theology of Technology. From eyeglasses to smartphones, technology is all around us. It always has been. In fact, it’s difficult to imagine humanity without it. However, recent advancements—especially in Artificial Intelligence (AI)—have connected us to technology in profound ways. With technology that can even mimic humanity, we as followers of Christ must consider what technology is and what role it ought to play in our increasingly digital lives.
Bryan will be speaking at a breakout session entitled: DeepFaked: Reclaiming a Biblical View of Identity & Sexuality in the Face of Technology
You can learn more about Apologetics Canada and register for this event by visiting their website.

Ukrainian Bible Church Abbotsford
We are excited to be presenting at this couples’ night at Ukrainian Bible Church (hosted at Central Height Church) in Abbotsford, BC. Bryan and Bonnie will be speaking on what it means to grow in intimacy within marriage—physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Sunday with Abbotsford Pentecostal Assembly
Abbotsford Pentecostal Assembly has invited The Union Movement to join them on Sunday, January 26th to speak at their morning service and for a parent workshop in the afternoon.
More details to come!

Renewed and Transformed Conference
We are excited to be joining Renewed & Transformed Ministries for this two-day conference. Kyla Gillespie will share her story, what it looks like to follow Jesus today, equipping Christians on how to better love the LGBTQ+ community while holding to a historic Christian view on sex and marriage, Q&A time, worship and so much more.
Bryan will be speaking on Friday evening, giving a theological overview of matters of gender and sexuality.
Bonnie will be speaking on Saturday afternoon, bringing encouragement and practical insight for parents on raising gender-confident children.
Both will be a part of a Q&A Panel on Saturday afternoon.
*This event is for anyone 18+ or for students if accompanied by a parent or guardian*
Held at North Langley Community Church, Aldergrove Campus: 24687 56 Ave, Langley Twp, BC
We’d love to see you there!

University of Toronto: Relevant Series
Relevant is a week-long series of dialogues and talks about faith, culture, science, life, and more topics that are relevant to students on the campus of University of Toronto, hosted by a collection of Christian ministries.
Bonnie will be taking part on Wednesday, January 15th, speaking at the afternoon and the evening sessions.
Afternoon Session: “Gender and the Pressures We Face”
Description: “It’s a Boy!” “It’s a Girl!” At birth, the first pronouncement over most of us was connected to our gender. But is gender deeper than external anatomy? What are the physiological or spiritual implications of our sex? Join us for a thoughtful conversation about the cultural pressures that men and women face and how we must learn to show one another dignity in the midst of differences.
Evening Session: "Relationships: Red Flags, Green Flags, and the Love We’re Looking For"
Description: We all want to be wanted, but the road to a faithful, committed relationship isn’t easy. According to statistics, Christian couples are the ones who are enjoying the greatest marital satisfaction. In this session, we will discuss the topics of dating, marriage, and the red flags that we all need to be watching for.
You can learn more about this event at https://relevantseries.com/

Union Conference 2024
Save the Date! Union Conference is back for it's 2nd year.
Registration will be open for anyone 18+. More details to follow!

Main Street Church Young Adults
Come join us in Chilliwack, BC as we meet together with Main Street Church’s Young Adult group.

Lead Forward 2024
We will present at the Lead Forward PAOC event for the BC and Yukon regions, equipping leaders to help their churches grow in sexual wholeness.
To learn more about the event, visit the Lead Forward site.

Apologetics Canada Leadership Summit
We are honoured to be guest speakers for Apologetics Canada’s Leadership Summit hosted in Western BC. The Leadership Summit seeks to bring together aspiring Christian leaders for an incredible weekend of networking and equipping. This is an opportunity for young professionals and student leaders aged 19-30 to meet one another and grow together as Christian leaders. You can learn more and apply to attend an event here.

ACSI Teacher's Conference
Bryan and Bonnie will be presenting at the Association of Christian Schools International, speaking to teachers and educational assistants on the following topic:
Foundations in Identity
How can we prepare students to think critically with a biblically orthodox view of gender and sexuality, while loving their neighbours as themselves? In this session we will highlight secular philosophies, give strategy to Christian educators on how they can lead with both compassion and conviction, and emphasize the redeeming power of the gospel.

Riverside Young ADults
Come join us out at Riverside Calvary Church Young Adults, in Langley, BC.

LifeSpring Church Sunday Service
Join us at LifeSpring Church in Abbotsford, BC on August 18th as we share God’s heart for sexuality, identity and relationships. Located at 3970 Gladwin Road; services at 9:00am and 11:00am.

Sunday morning at Riverside calvary Chapel
Join us in Langley, BC at Riverside Calvary Chapel. Bryan will be preaching at the 8:00am, 10:00am, and 12:00pm services.
#8-20178 96TH AVE. LANGLEY, BC

LifeSpring Young Adult Women
We’ll be joining Rae-Anna Hedorin from Pure Heart Ministries as she shares with young adult women about walking in surrender and purpose as a single woman in a sexually broken culture. The event will be at a residential location; please contact for more details!

Headwaters Discipleship School
We will be spending this week with a group of first-year students in Riondel, BC, exploring God’s heart for relationships and communication.
To learn more about this discipleship school, visit Headwaters Site.

Teen Challenge Women’s Ministry
We are grateful for the opportunity to meet with the women currently enrolled at Teen Challenge in the Lower Mainland.
Please be praying for us as we cover topics regarding body, soul, spirit integration, the design of a woman’s heart, and the impact of negative sexual experiences.

Youth Get-Away Wknd
We are excited to speak on the Saturday of this youth conference, hosted in Kelowna, BC by the PAOC church network. We will be addressing some hot topics that young people are facing today, and give space for their pressing questions.
To learn more, visit Youth Get Away.

Bethany Church
Bethany Church in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory has invited us to come and speak with their youth group, at a parents’ seminar, at their Sunday morning service, and with their young adults.

Camp Evergreen Ladies Retreat
Bonnie will be the keynote speaker for the Camp Evergreen Ladies Retreat hosted in Alberta. Enjoy delicious meals, choose from optional adventures, or find tranquillity as you explore the scenic landscape. We are going to slow down, be inspired by the lives of women recorded in Scripture, and invite the Lord to help us sort through the past and present so that we can grow to become all He intended us to be.
To learn more and to register visit Camp Evergreen’s site.

Union Vision Night
Join us at LifeSpring Church in Abbotsford, B.C. as we share the vision and mission of The Union Movement. Indulge in some delicious ice cream sundaes while hearing stories of how people are finding wholeness in God's design for sexuality, identity, and relationships.
Our heart for this event is for you to discover more about The Union Movement and to be inspired to champion the redemptive message of Jesus through your life. There will also be an opportunity for you to prayerfully consider financially partnering with The Union's work.
In a time of confusion and brokeness, this will be a night of hope!
Free to attend, but registration is required. There are limited tickets; rsvp today by clicking here.

Apologetics Canada Conference
We are excited to present in two breakout sessions at the Western Apologetics Canada Conference with the overall theme of “Can I Trust the Bible?”
Come join us in Abbotsford, BC.
For more information and to register for the event, visit The Apologetics Canada website.

Northview Young Adults
We will be a part of Northview Young Adults “ReThink” Night as members of their Q&A panel.

Mainstreet young adults
Join us at MainStreet Church’s young adults group in Chilliwack, BC. Message to be followed by a time for Q&A.