
What does it mean to be a real man? A good man? Is it about your physical abilities? Is it about sexual conquests or being desired by a woman? About status, money, and power? Those things may gain you some attention, but they won’t get you the honour that fuels you.

There is a lot of talk these days about toxic masculinity, but the reality is that the world desperately needs good men.


When you choose a life of doing what is right instead of what is easy, when you are willing to give and sacrifice for the people around you, you will be able to look in the mirror and see someone who you respect. And you are made for that.

True masculinity protects women, refusing to reduce them to objects that can be consumed. Men are designed to be protectors, not predators.
Perhaps you never had someone model this kind of manhood to you. You may have grown up with a distorted view of what would make you happy, or of what women existed for. 

True masculinity may feel like an intimidating wilderness with no map or compass, but we want to remind you that God came to earth as a MAN and lived an example for all other men to follow. He blazed a trail that you can follow.

Jesus said clearly, “If any man wants to find life, he will have to lay it down.” He was speaking to the incredible way that men can create healthy atmospheres with the love and respect that they give to others.

Today is a new day. No matter what your past looked like, your future can include respect.

Even if others do not affirm or applaud you, you can know that you are making a difference. Not only that - God is watching your brave choices and He is proud of you.

We invite you to explore this space on The Union Movement, to stay in touch, and to reach out if we can support you in your journey towards being a good man.

Here are a few other blog posts that may be helpful to you as a man:

Why Authentic Masculinity is Anything But Toxic -

Dude, You’re Not Going to Die

If Good Men Do Nothing

And, if you’re looking for a reminder of these truths, you’ll also find some images you can print out.


Be loved


To Make Pain Count