Why Men Are So Emotional
relationships, restoration, gender Bonnie Pue relationships, restoration, gender Bonnie Pue

Why Men Are So Emotional

What happens if a sensitive soul lives in a world that belittles the expression of emotion?

What if a boy doesn't find a safe place to come back to? What if his tears are constantly belittled? What if his defenses get stuck? What if he stops feeling?

Look around. Look within. You are most likely experiencing it. Who told men they weren’t allowed to feel?

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When Your Heart Stops Feeling
relationships, restoration, church, gospel Bonnie Pue relationships, restoration, church, gospel Bonnie Pue

When Your Heart Stops Feeling

Even as our hands grow callous from repeated pressure and friction, our hearts can also grow hard. The trouble is that a hardened heart stops feeling, and without our feelings we cannot grow into true maturity. We can continue to modify our behaviours, but we won't walk in wholeness and we won't be able to sustain the destiny we dream of. This hard-heartedness is becoming an epidemic in the world around us and most succumb to it for the sake of survival through this life.

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Be loved
relationships, marriage, gender The Union Team relationships, marriage, gender The Union Team

Be loved

Your value extends beyond your physical appearance. It goes beyond your ability to turn someone’s head or keep the crowd’s attention with your beauty. You are allowed to desire to be known at a deeper level than just skin on skin. You are allowed to want to be feel safe in friendships and in a relationship.

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relationships, marriage, gender The Union Team relationships, marriage, gender The Union Team


What does it mean to be a real man?

Is it about your physical abilities? Is it about sexual conquests or being desired by a woman? About status, money, and power? Those things may gain you some attention, but they won’t get you self-respect.

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Dude, You're Not Going To Die
relationships, marriage, integrity, gender Bryan Pue relationships, marriage, integrity, gender Bryan Pue

Dude, You're Not Going To Die

There is often an expectation that all sexual needs and desires will be completely met once you are married to “the one”. Sorry to break it to you, bro, but, it’s just not true.

We, as husbands, will have to deny ourselves in order to serve our wives. This will apply to many aspects of the relationship. Guaranteed, it will affect the sexual dimension.

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The Vulnerability of Being a Woman
relationships, marriage, gender Bonnie Pue relationships, marriage, gender Bonnie Pue

The Vulnerability of Being a Woman

You may be tempted to resist your very identity in order to not face such a vulnerable existence. If you have been hurt or disappointed, you may wish that you were tougher and that you could perpetually "shake it off", but it never works out quite the way we imagined it would. On paper our Canadian women are doing great. We have increasing access to scholarships and job promotions, sports achievement, and involvement in projects and causes. Yet, we are among the mass population of women who are self-medicating.

But it does not have to stay this way.

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Hungry for Love
single, relationships, marriage Bonnie Pue single, relationships, marriage Bonnie Pue

Hungry for Love

Just like physical hunger, we have a real need to be filled. We long to be reminded of our identity and value - who we are on the inside. A family and community can certainly fill some of our needs, but no one on earth can handle the full weight and pressure of another human heart.

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