Is God Anti-Sex?
restoration, marriage, gospel, sexuality Bonnie Pue restoration, marriage, gospel, sexuality Bonnie Pue

Is God Anti-Sex?

Within the church at large, the messages about sex are often reduced to a prohibition, “Sex outside of marriage is bad.” But said often enough or carelessly enough, and that message starts to sound like, “Sex is bad.” Add to that the negative personal experiences that people are having, and it is no wonder that the lie “God is anti-sex” gets propagated.

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Can I be happy without sex?
single, marriage, sexuality Bonnie Pue single, marriage, sexuality Bonnie Pue

Can I be happy without sex?

In a world that is becoming increasingly sexualized, with perverted images flooding our feeds, the music industry, and countless streaming services, studies show that people are backing away from one another and from IRL (in real life) relationships. Rates of premarital sex and the number of people choosing marriage are dropping.

Single people both inside and outside of the church are asking the question, “How can I be happy without sex?”

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