gender, LGBTQ+ The Union Team gender, LGBTQ+ The Union Team

Episode 40 - Dr Gregg Allison and The Link Between Your Body And Gender

Have you ever felt disconnected from your body?

The truth is you aren’t alone. Many people feel a strong separation between who they are as a person and their body.

In this episode, Bryan sits down to talk with Dr. Gregg Allison to discuss his new book Embodied: Living As Whole People In A Fractured World.

In this conversation we discuss:

-How scripture affirms the belief that we are our bodies.

-What the centuries old worldview of Gnosticism means in relation to our bodies.

-How the message of Embodied and the scriptures speak to the topic of gender.

-How Christians can respond in this conversation, around the notion that there are more than 2 genders.

-How the gospel of Jesus gives hope for those who legitimately struggle with gender dysphoria.

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family, youth, healing, Leaders, prolife The Union Team family, youth, healing, Leaders, prolife The Union Team

Episode 39 - Pt 2 With Jim Anderson on Raising Children That Love Jesus

One of the major challenges as a parent, who follows Christ, is to raise your children in such a way that they grow to genuinely love Him too.

In this episode we sit down for part 2 of our conversation with our friend Jim Anderson, to hear wisdom and practical tips on how Jim and his wife Lisa have raised 8 children to love Jesus.

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family, youth, healing, Leaders, prolife The Union Team family, youth, healing, Leaders, prolife The Union Team

Episode 38 - Jim Anderson: Fatherhood, Pro-Life, and the Restoration of Broken Hearts

We recently sat down with long time friend a mentor Jim Anderson and talked about the unique story of how his ministry began. God had put a burden in his heart for protecting the unborn and over the years of work in this arena God begin to reveal the connection between abortion and the increase in sexual brokenness within culture.

Jim Anderson has been married to Lisa for 41 years and has 8 wonderful grown children.

He and Lisa lead Sexuality Unmasked, a worldwide ministry dedicated to releasing God's truth, healing, and restoration in the areas of sexuality and relationships.

He is also the author of the book "Unmasked: Exposing the Cultural Sexual Assault".

Sexuality Unmasked Website

UnMasked Book

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women, family, youth The Union Team women, family, youth The Union Team

Episode 37 - Erin Clark on The Calling Of Motherhood

In this conversation with Erin Clark, a homeschooling mama of 3, we talked about the irreplaceable role that a mother plays in her family, as well as some of the biggest obstacles we face in trying to remember this calling.

In this podcast episode, she shares -

  • How it was her 6-year-old daughter’s struggle in school that led them to homeschool (long before homeschooling was cool)

  • One of her main goals of home education

  • The need to have and hold to a vision statement for yourself as a mother

  • How jealousy of other peoples’ callings (including your husbands) could derail your focus

  • The need for relational intentionality with our kids in order to have safe places for ongoing conversations about sex and self-worth

Erin Clark, her husband Mark, and her three daughters live in western B.C. where they planted The Village Church in 2009. She is the host of the podcasts “The Good, the Bad, and The Beautiful”, as well as “Homeschooling with Erin Clark”.

You can find more from her @erineclark or at

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gospel, Leaders, culture The Union Team gospel, Leaders, culture The Union Team

Episode 36 - Fully Known: How Sexuality Is Not Separate From Our Walk With Jesus

There is this trend within culture today that is trying to separate the choices made in the areas of our sexuality and our relationship with Jesus. The lie is to think that the choices made in this area don't really matter because the other areas of our lives are following Jesus. The good news is though is Jesus calls us to live a life that is not compartmentalized and invites us into a life where we are fully known.

In this episode, Bonnie and Bryan Pue sit down with Mo Aiken to discuss her new book " Fully Known" and hear all about how the radical love of Jesus brings us into real freedom.

Mo Aiken's Website

Get Your Copy of "Fully Known"

Mo's Instagram

Mo's Facebook Page

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healing, identity, pornography The Union Team healing, identity, pornography The Union Team

Episode 34 - The Everyday Choices That Bring Freedom From Addiction w/ John Elmore

Porn, pills, food, money, alcohol, social media, body image, status, sex, anxiety. Whatever you're struggling with, John Elmore knows what it's like to be stuck and how to get free. In 2005, he put a loaded shotgun to his head and later had three doctors tell him he was going to die of alcoholism. More than fifteen sober years later, he leads the world's largest weekly recovery gathering, re:generation, where people journey toward healing in Christ. In his latest book, “Freedom Starts Today” he unpacks timeless biblical truth that will help anyone who is stuck in socially acceptable or unacceptable sins find long lasting freedom in Christ.

John is the senior director of pastoral care and director of recovery at Watermark Community Church in Dallas, Texas.

He and his wife, Laura, have not had REM sleep since 2013, after having three kids in three years. They survive on coffee, takeout, and lots of prayer.

You can follow him

@john_a_elmore and

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LGBTQ+, gender, Leaders The Union Team LGBTQ+, gender, Leaders The Union Team

Episode 33 - Having Conversations About Sexual Identity In A Loving Way

We live in such an interesting yet very confusing time. So much of what the Bible states around morality and identity is viewed as hateful or bigotry. This is the time for us as followers of Christ to be all the more diligent to not just speak the truth but to speak it in love.

In episode 33, Bryan and Bonnie sit down with Carrie Abbott to discuss how you and I can do exactly that. This was an amazing conversation in which Carrie unpacks great insight and wisdom from her years of dealing with difficult subjects with grace and truth.

Carrie and her husband, Greg, live in Washington, US, and are the parents of 5, and grandparents to 10 (and counting).

She is the Co-founder and President of The Legacy Institute which began in 2011. She hosts daily and weekly radio shows, and has authored multiple programs and curriculums that bring Biblical truths about sexual integrity.

You can find out more about her work here-, &

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marriage, healing, relationships The Union Team marriage, healing, relationships The Union Team

Episode 31 - Before You Split with Toni Nieuwhof

“I didn’t sign up for this!”
“I can’t do this anymore!”
“That’s it - I’m done!”

Ever said or thought these things? Or, are you feeling disconnected, like you’re drifting apart? Marriage is challenging at times. Especially when you don’t feel equipped to face the challenges. In this episode, Bryan and Bonnie sit down with Toni Nieuwhof to discuss her new book, “Before You Split: Find What You Really Want for the Future of Your Marriage”

Toni Nieuwhof is a family law mediator, former divorce attorney, author, speaker and co-host of the Smart Family Podcast. She has been married to her husband Carey for over 30 years, and live in the greater Toronto area.

Visit Toni's Website

Get Your Copy Of Before You Split

Follow on IG- @toninieuwhof

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gospel, healing, culture The Union Team gospel, healing, culture The Union Team

Episode 30 - Being A Disciple And How That Effects Our Sexual Choices

Far too often we separate what it means to be a disciple of Jesus and the choices one makes in the realm of sexuality.

In this episode, Bryan sits down with Adam Narciso and they discuss how vital the connection between discipleship and sexuality really is.

Adam lives with his wife, Jenny, and their four children, in Franklin, Tennessee. He is the author of "New Identity: 30 Days of Prayer for Spiritual Transformation" and producer of multiple e-courses, as well as the Jesus Movement Now Podcast. Since 2009 Adam has trained and mobilized over 40 international evangelism teams and has equipped thousands in the areas of identity, hearing God and evangelism via seminars around the world. You can find him on Instagram @adamnarciso, or on his website

New Identity: 30 Days of Prayer for Spiritual Transformation

Jesus Movement Now

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women, culture The Union Team women, culture The Union Team

Episode 29 - A Biblical Perspective On Feminism

Where do you stand on the issue of feminism?

Some people hate the word and equate it with being a man-hater. Others embrace modern feminist philosophies without question, eager to throw off all traces of male leadership.

Instead of riding the waves of cultural trends, as followers of Jesus, we have to follow God’s heart, intention, and teachings.

In this episode, you will hear about:

⁃A basic overview of the history of feminism

⁃Where feminism shows up in the Roman Empire (where the early church was planted)

⁃How men can begin to think, serve, and lead like Jesus so that the women around them feel supported, not oppressed.

⁃How women can find identity as followers of Jesus, rather than as victims or goddesses

If you’ve enjoyed our podcast, we’d greatly appreciate it if you would share, subscribe, or review our podcast. It helps others find our podcast more easily.

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marriage, pornography, relationships, healing The Union Team marriage, pornography, relationships, healing The Union Team

Episode 28 - Transparency In Marriage & Overcoming Lust

When you are dealing with an issue of lust, should you talk to your spouse about it? (And how?)

How can you overcome the past and get freedom in your mind?

How can you grow in intimacy with your husband or wife?

How do you face the pain of feeling betrayed by your spouse’s issue with porn?

These are all questions that we tackle in this refreshingly open conversation with Brendan and Jaclyn Weidner. We’re so grateful for their transparency about their past issues with us here on the Union Podcast, and we know you’ll get some help in sorting through some of your own.

Head over to Apple Podcast, Spotify, or Google Play to listen to Episode 28. If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss any of the upcoming episodes, and please do leave us a review or share, so that others will have an easier time finding us!

Comment below, and let us know what you learned!

Ready To Thrive Podcast w/ Jaclyn Weidner

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family, youth, Leaders The Union Team family, youth, Leaders The Union Team

Episode 27 - Thinking Generationally

Like an inheritance that grows exponentially, God loves to see one generation release blessing onto the next.

Adversely, the Bible talks about a spiritual enemy who does everything in his power to divide generations and cut off God's design for the young.

Too often we are short-sighted and impatient, wanting to experience personal ease at the expense of the younger generation.

In this episode, we look at Scripture to see:

⁃ How God’s promises can find fulfillment in our children and children’s children

⁃ How our investment into other generations can release healing and blessing in our nations

⁃ How we must face our own pain and dysfunctions for the sake of our own children and anyone we influence.

God is commissioning His followers to lean into the temporary discomfort and be resolute in sexual morality and righteousness, for the sake of the next generation.
The health of a nation is as strong as the church, as strong as the families, as strong as the marriages, as strong as the young men/women

1. God thinks generationally with a desire to increasingly BLESS (Abraham, promise comes to him, but isn’t fulfilled until Joseph)

2. The enemy hates the young generation. Targets the foundations to cause suffering.

3. To invest in the young generation (your children) is to invest in the kingdom (too often we are short-sighted, impatient)

4. Redemption always possible with Christ. (Sin of fathers to 3rd and 4th generation, but His mercy to the 1000th generation)

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pornography, healing, culture The Union Team pornography, healing, culture The Union Team

Episode 26- The Porn Industry, Jesus, And New Beginnings.

One of the most amazing things about God is that He is able to make things new. Not just “like new” but brand new! He does it time and time again in our life. Bryan recently sat down with Richard and Brittni De La Mora to discuss how Jesus brought Brittni out of the porn industry, and how they processed those dynamics within their relationship to experience God’s new beginning.

Richard and Brittni De La Mora are parents, pastors, evangelists and oversee Life didn't always look like this for them. While many once knew Brittni as one of the world's most famous porn stars, Richard grew up in the church. They met in 2013 after Brittni started attending his uncle's church and got married in 2016. They recently founded Love Always Ministries, a ministry that helps people walk in their calling by discovering God's love and leading a victorious life through purity.


Social Media- @Richardelamora , @Brittnidelamora, @X3church
Fresh- Marriage Devotional
Fire- Marriage Devotional

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marriage, relationships The Union Team marriage, relationships The Union Team

Episode 25- Marriage: Lessons Learned

It’s not all sunshine and roses, but there are some key things that we’ve learned that have made BIG differences and helped us weather storms and grow in our relationship.

Recorded the week of our wedding anniversary, we wanted to take some time to reflect on the lessons we’ve learned in our relationship.

Things like:

> not putting pressure on your spouse to make you happy all the time & getting needs met by God.

> recognizing that your marriage isn’t just about YOU, but is meant to be a reflection on earth of a divine mystery.

> having purposeful conversations and boundaries with your spouse in order to safeguard your future together.

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marriage, relationships The Union Team marriage, relationships The Union Team

Episode 22- The Early Years Of Marriage

Marriage can be challenging...scratch that, it is challenging. But it is so worth it!

In this podcast, Bryan & Bonnie Pue discuss the unique dynamics in the early years of marriage. They unpack the foundation of the powerful effect of the marriage covenant, as well as, ways to express expectations and communicate clearly.

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pornography, culture, Leaders, gospel The Union Team pornography, culture, Leaders, gospel The Union Team

Episode 21- The Link Between Trafficking And Pornography

Human trafficking and the pornography industry are not separate issues. They actually need each other to stay alive.

In this podcast, Bryan and Bonnie Pue discuss how these two modern-day travesties are connected and how we all can be a part of the solution.

IJM-International Justice Mission is an international, non-governmental organization focused on human rights, law and law enforcement.

Fight The New Drug- A non-profit that focuses on bringing education and awareness to the dangers of pornography.

A21- Founded by Christine Caine and focused to end slavery everywhere.

Joy Smith Foundation- Canadian organization founded by former MP Joy Smith, dedicated to ending human Trafficking

The True Story of Canadian Human Trafficking (Book by Paul Boge)

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pornography, men, healing The Union Team pornography, men, healing The Union Team

Episode 20- Root Issues Of Porn Addiction w/guest Sathiya Sam

Sathiya Sam is a pastor, entrepreneur, and coach with a passion to see people come alive. A brilliant communicator and clever innovator, Sathiya has created music, books and courses to help people around the world live a life of freedom. His latest project, DeepClean, helps men overcome pornography addiction.

He is recently married and based out of Toronto, Canada.

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healing, gospel The Union Team healing, gospel The Union Team

Episode 19- The Topic Of Pain & Pleasure

What a world we are living in! Who would've thought we'd be confronted with some of the major changes that we have been. For many of us, these changes to life's routine and the fear of what may be ahead has caused a substitution of pain for pleasure.

In this episode, Bryan and Bonnie Pue sit down to discuss the realities of running to a sexual experience to escape from fear, confusion and high levels of stress, and how we can access power to heal and be in peace.

Why Emotions Matter By Tristan & John Collins- Great Read! We highly recommend!

The Bible Project- Also highly recommend :)

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women, singleness The Union Team women, singleness The Union Team

Episode 18- Singleness, Sex-drive, and Shame

Wow! Things sure have changed in the world.

We hope that with all the upheaval of life due to Covid-19 you are able to take time and renew your mind and soul with God's truth.

In this episode, Bonnie sits down with our good friend Rae-Anna from Pure Heart Japan and they discuss handling your sex drive while single and how to walk out of shame

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