Episode 27 - Thinking Generationally

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Like an inheritance that grows exponentially, God loves to see one generation release blessing onto the next.

Adversely, the Bible talks about a spiritual enemy who does everything in his power to divide generations and cut off God's design for the young.

Too often we are short-sighted and impatient, wanting to experience personal ease at the expense of the younger generation.

In this episode, we look at Scripture to see:

⁃ How God’s promises can find fulfillment in our children and children’s children

⁃ How our investment into other generations can release healing and blessing in our nations

⁃ How we must face our own pain and dysfunctions for the sake of our own children and anyone we influence.

God is commissioning His followers to lean into the temporary discomfort and be resolute in sexual morality and righteousness, for the sake of the next generation.
The health of a nation is as strong as the church, as strong as the families, as strong as the marriages, as strong as the young men/women

1. God thinks generationally with a desire to increasingly BLESS (Abraham, promise comes to him, but isn’t fulfilled until Joseph)

2. The enemy hates the young generation. Targets the foundations to cause suffering.

3. To invest in the young generation (your children) is to invest in the kingdom (too often we are short-sighted, impatient)

4. Redemption always possible with Christ. (Sin of fathers to 3rd and 4th generation, but His mercy to the 1000th generation)


Episode 28 - Transparency In Marriage & Overcoming Lust


Episode 26- The Porn Industry, Jesus, And New Beginnings.