Episode 34 - The Everyday Choices That Bring Freedom From Addiction w/ John Elmore


Porn, pills, food, money, alcohol, social media, body image, status, sex, anxiety. Whatever you're struggling with, John Elmore knows what it's like to be stuck and how to get free. In 2005, he put a loaded shotgun to his head and later had three doctors tell him he was going to die of alcoholism. More than fifteen sober years later, he leads the world's largest weekly recovery gathering, re:generation, where people journey toward healing in Christ. In his latest book, “Freedom Starts Today” he unpacks timeless biblical truth that will help anyone who is stuck in socially acceptable or unacceptable sins find long lasting freedom in Christ.

John is the senior director of pastoral care and director of recovery at Watermark Community Church in Dallas, Texas.

He and his wife, Laura, have not had REM sleep since 2013, after having three kids in three years. They survive on coffee, takeout, and lots of prayer.

You can follow him

@john_a_elmore and www.freedomstartstoday.org


Episode 35 - Our Personal Stories And How We Got Here


Episode 33 - Having Conversations About Sexual Identity In A Loving Way