marriage, sex, men The Union Team marriage, sex, men The Union Team

Episode 82- Matthew Schlesinger On Keys To A Better Sex Life Part 2

I’ve heard it said that “ the only key for better sex in marriage, from a man’s perspective, is for the wife to bring food and show up naked.”

All joking aside, being an authentic man is a challenging topic for many guys. As men, we hear a wide variety of voices calling for everything from the crushing of the patriarchy and the ever-growing definition of toxic masculinity to the other extreme of “red-pill” masculinity that sees manhood as being defined by money, power and sex. How we see these topics will affect the type of man we become and the health of sexual intimacy we have in marriage. That’s exactly what Bryan and Pastor Matthew Schlesinger talk about in this episode.

Matthew, and his wife, Sabrina were married in 2000 and served as pastors alongside Matthew’s parents for ten years in Oregon. The dream God placed in their hearts years earlier unfolded and in December of 2012 they joined the Grace team as Lead Pastors in their favorite city, San Diego. Matthew is fun and authentic. He loves God’s Word, places priority on His Presence, and believes that the local church is the hope of the world. Matthew & Sabrina are the proud parents of three beautiful daughters and one amazing son. Their family mission is to populate heaven and plunder hell. Matthew and Sabrina host both the Marriage on the Go and Parenting on the Go podcasts.


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marriage, sex, women The Union Team marriage, sex, women The Union Team

Episode 81- Sabrina Schlesinger On Keys To A Better Sex Life

The statement that “sex before marriage is bad” can quickly become “sex is bad” if we don’t see sex as the beautiful gift from God that it is.

In this episode, Bonnie chats with Sabrina Schlesinger about how women can have a healthy perspective toward their sexuality and experience a better sex life within their marriages.

Sabrina is a wife to Matthew, mother, pastor, speaker and podcast host. Sabrina and Matthew host two podcasts, Parenting on the Go and Marriage on the Go. Both podcasts offer Biblical and practical advice on parenting and marriage. Every episode is brief so you can listen to them in the carpool lane, at the gym, grocery shopping, and anywhere you are "on the go!" You can subscribe and listen to them every week on iTunes, Google Play, and Spotify. Sabrina also wrote a book for moms called, What Other Moms Never Told Me. It is available on Amazon as paperback or Kindle.

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relationships, sex, pornography The Union Team relationships, sex, pornography The Union Team

Episode 79- Nikki Dent On Breaking Up With Babel

You may not know what Babel is but trust me, it’s all over the place. Babel is a way of thinking, speaking and living apart from God. We see its influence nowhere stronger than in the realm of sexuality. It shows itself in everything from the culture’s addiction to pornography, to even the views of marriage that some people hold, even in the church. We are so pumped to have had the opportunity to sit down with Nikki Dent and talk about her new book, BREAKING UP WITH BABEL- The Gospel Of Sex, Dating and Relating In A Culture Of Confusion.

This hope-filled and captivating teaching provides a Scripture-based perspective on sex, dating, and romance that compels Christians to walk in purity and passion. By exploring a positive and powerful theology on sex and dating, Breaking Up with Babel presents a sexual gospel that outshines the humanistic messages of broken sexuality, pornography, sex outside of marriage, and digital dating in a Babel-weary world. God's people are called to live their most fruitful lives by answering questions such as:

  • How does sex affect our body, soul, and spirit?

  • Why should we wait until marriage to have sex?

  • Why is pornography terrible for our sex life?

  • How do we date biblically in a digital world?

  • Why do we need boundaries to have healthy relationships?

  • How can we be restored from heartache and brokenness?

Nikki is a passionate Bible preacher who lives with her husband, Paul, and three daughters on the east coast of Australia. Paul and Nikki also serve as Pastors at Eastgate Church in Byron Bay. She has passionately taught on sex, dating, and relationships from a Christian worldview for ten years in Christian leadership academies, discipleship training schools (YWAM), churches and young adult ministries. 



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