Episode 42 - Mandy Hale On Singleness, Online Dating & Deal Breakers

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Do you ever wonder if you should go back to an ex? Were they your best chance for love?

Or maybe you are wrestling with the fear that your standards are too high, but you’re not sure what to negotiate on.

Perhaps you are even sensing the need to take a hiatus from dating in general because you feel like you are losing confidence along the way.

Mandy Hale, the amazing 40 year old single woman and best-selling author of the newly released book, “Don’t Believe the Swipe” has some strong encouragement (and challenges) for you in today’s podcast episode.

We talk about:

  • How your value is not connected to your relational status

  • The changing landscape of dating in a digital world

  • Not being afraid to define your deal-breakers and non-negotiables

  • How to include a support network into your relationship decisions

You can follow Mandy online @thesinglewoman, and find more of her content at www.mandyhale.com


Episode 43 - Ruth Erickson: On Marriage, Adultery, and Healing From Heart Break


Episode 41 - Making A Clean Break