Episode 51 - ErIc Demeter On How Should A Christian Date

No matter what you might have heard, there isn't a cookie-cutter way for a romantic relationship to develop. God has, however, laid out clear principles and practices that will lead to healthy relational living.

In this episode, Bryan sits down with Eric Demeter and discusses his recent book, "How Should A Christian Date".

They discuss:

- Why it is important that Christians get dating right? 

- Things that Christian daters get wrong.

-How to take dating one stage at a time.

- How dating done well is tied to having a good marriage.

ERIC DEMETER (B.S., Purdue University; M.A., Bethel University) is a relationship and conflict resolution specialist with advanced studies in mediation, peacemaking and negotiation from the Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver and Peacemaker Ministries. He is currently a missionary with Youth With a Mission (YWAM) based in Athens, Greece where he disciples young people from the Middle East and teaches conflict resolution and healthy relationships to YWAM staff and missionary students. His experiences growing up listening to heavy metal, working alongside ex-convicts, and being raised in the Roman Catholic tradition give him the ability to connect well with people of diverse belief systems. He considers every reader a friend and challenges everyone to become more like Christ in everything they do.

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