Online video courses
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bringing confidence to parents for conversations about sex
Available Now!!
We have developed a 6-part online video series called, “Awkward” to bring parents confidence to have those conversations about sex. These sessions will bring you biblical and historical insights that are key to understanding God’s kind intention for humanity and our sexual expression.
It’s time to get ready for some of the most awkward, but most worthwhile conversations you’ll ever have.
Sign up to get free access to this online video resource, Awkward
As a supplementary resource, you can also download this free 20 page e-book with the same title:
are there things you wish you could "un-see"? Do you want to reclaim mental space?
You’re not alone. In our pornographically over-loaded society, we understand that you are being bombarded by perversions of sexuality that wage war against your soul. It wears you down and often isolates you from the very people you wish you could connect with.
In this 3 session online course with Bryan Pue, you will learn biblical strategies to begin thinking differently about temptation and past memories. What you’ve seen and done in the past does not have to define your future.
Find out more and access this FREE resource here: Clearing History Online Intensive